Monday, March 22, 2010


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

What do you call it when a radical minority forces
its will on the law-abiding majority? The
Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis would have us call
it "progressive leadership." The Founders called
it "tyranny." Read below - Mat.

I am not surprised that socialist leaders Obama, Pelosi and
Reid found a convoluted way to get their tyrannical
healthcare "reform" bill through Congress. And there is
no doubt that evidence of vote buying and extreme coercion,
both legal and illegal, will surface for weeks to come.

But this is not the time to rehash the tragic
spectacle we saw unfold over the weekend.
Now is the time to TAKE ACTION to stop ObamaCare
and its anti-life, anti-family, and anti-economy
provisions IN A COURT OF LAW.

++Americans have lost confidence in the legislative process.

At every step of the way in ObamaCare's long march through
Congress, the liberal Democrat leaders used trickery, overt
manipulation, and out-and-out vote buying to thwart the
American people's clearly expressed opposition to their
socialist takeover of our medical system.

Now, on the brink of this hugely unpopular bill being presented
to President Obama for signature, we are facing the brutal
reality of what the 111th Congress has forced down our throats:

* Abortion coverage Americans don't want
* Exorbitant costs Americans don't want
* Mandatory participation Americans don't want
* New federal bureaucracies Americans don't want
* A vast expansion of IRS power Americans don't want

++Our Constitution is being subverted right before our eyes.

Greg, the "checks and balances" our Founders gave
us are being systematically overpowered and dismantled by the
Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis. Never before has the will of
the people been so completely ignored and marginalized.

ObamaCare is unconstitutional! If Congress has the
power to FORCE each person to have health insurance,
then individual liberty is totally meaningless.

Because the bill that passed Sunday night mandates individual
coverage and requires private employers to provide coverage,
challenge the bill's constitutionality!

We need hundreds of thousands of Americans to sign our Statement
of Support for this litigation. Given the sad spectacle we
saw play out in the House of Representatives this weekend,
we must now win this battle in a courtroom.

Please go here to sign your official Statement of Support:

++ ObamaCare was unlawful from the beginning.

There were MANY reasons why Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi allowed
no one but their closest insiders - and the White House arm
twisters, of course - to participate in developing and managing
ObamaCare. For one thing, its "Tooth Fairy" accounting can't
stand up to even mild scrutiny.

But the biggest reason was that Congress had NO AUTHORITY to
force its socialist healthcare agenda on citizens and
businesses in the first place!

The bill that passed the House of Representatives on Sunday
night is unconstitutional because:

1) Congress has NO authority to force every American to
carry insurance coverage, and,
2) Congress has NO authority to fine employers whose
policies do not have the mandated coverage.

No matter the desires of certain elected officials, there are
some things Congress just cannot do! And the threat to our
liberty posed by ObamaCare goes FAR beyond healthcare. If
Congress can get away with this expansive power grab, then
individual liberty and state sovereignty will soon vanish.

Nancy Pelosi said as much last week when she told reporters
that after "kicking down the door" with ObamaCare, her
Congress will push through the rest of their ultraliberal

EVERY version of the "healthcare reform" bill this Congress
produced - even considering whatever "reconciliation" issues
are eventually appended to the Senate version - is patently

Greg, this monstrous, anti-life, anti-family healthcare
bill MUST now be strongly challenged in the federal judiciary.
With your help, Liberty Counsel is doing exactly that!

++The battle over ObamaCare has just begun.

Americans nationwide are expressing OUTRAGE at the overt
manipulation and total lack of integrity that characterized
the final vote on ObamaCare. Reid, Pelosi and Obama proved
they were willing to do ANYTHING to get this government
takeover of our medical system.

Now more than ever, the socialists and abortion advocates need
to understand that WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and will resist
implementation of ObamaCare to the very end. Now WE'LL SEE
THEM IN COURT! And we have an excellent chance of winning
our federal lawsuit.

Here's what I'm asking you to do...

#1 - Sign the Statement of Support for our lawsuit.

We want to deliver hundreds of thousands of these Statements
to all the key plotters behind ObamaCare. Reid, Pelosi, Obama
and all their confederates need to know they're not going
to get away with this travesty! Go here right now:

#2 - Call your Representative's and your Senators' offices.

Please… take a moment to call your Representative and your two
Senators and let them know you are OUTRAGED by the way ObamaCare
was handled. Then let them know you will be supporting
litigation against this unconstitutional bill.

Sen. Lugar 202-224-4814

Sen. Bayh 202-224-5623

Rep. Souder 202-225-4436

#3 - Pray that this bill will be derailed in court. Pray for
God's deliverance from being forced to pay for abortions and
from the overt deceit and trickery that has become the norm
from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis. PLEASE keep the heat
on, especially now that the socialists have finally played
their hand.

And, of course, this litigation is going to be very expensive.
Please prayerfully consider a significant gift to help offset
Liberty Counsel's expenses to mount a major constitutional
challenge to ObamaCare.

I have appended a copy of Liberty Counsel's official News
Release about our lawsuit next to your Statement of Support.
You can see it and sign your Statement of Support for
litigation against ObamaCare by going here:

Now is NOT the time to be silent! Join like-minded Americans
who will be putting the plotters on notice that we are filing
a federal lawsuit this week to stop this power grab once and for all.

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. This battle is NOT over, no matter how much the
Pelosi/Reid/Obama power axis wants us to think that it is.
Sign your Statement of Support for our lawsuit so we can
win this phase of the battle in court and in the court of
public opinion!

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