Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Snopes and bad info

I get a ton of helpful emails about all kinds of things.
Free this and free that!
Wonderful stories etc -
NOW Here is the problem about 75 % are phony or wrong.
Check stuff out at SNOPES.COM and you will generally find out
if it is true or false - real or phony.
What was that?

Monday, January 5, 2009

I do not know the Lord's time table;
but we better pay attention.
What's going on does not mean that we are there; but we are certainly close to the Rapture.
America is not directly mentioned in Bible Prophecy.
Either we stand neutral during the attack upon Israel.
Or we will be destroyed, and rendered helpless, BEFORE the attack on Israel.
Regardless, we have to admit how vulnerable America has become.
America was asleep; and day by day we tended to business, and watched television.
9/11 woke us up.
We went back to sleep.
Was a foreigner just elected as our president; If so, obviously we are still asleep.
If Americans are so passive that our very Foundation of Law and Protection has been scrapped, yet we do nothing,
then we certainly will be too full of empathy to care when Israel is being attacked.
Imagine Russia, China, North Korea, and Pakistan all turn their nuclear missles on America.
The following ultimatum is given:
"The missiles of Russia, China, North Korea, and Pakistan are all aimed on America.
We are currently attacking Israel, America is to stay out, or we all have been instructed to fire."
Israel will be left to defend herself while Russia, China and every Muslim in the world comes to destroy her. (OR SO THEY THINK!)
According to Bible Prophecy, an army from the Far North will descend down on Israel.
Russia attacked and moved into Georgia.
Georgia is the passageway from Russia to Israel.
According to Bible Prophecy, an army of 200,000,000 from the East will march on Israel.
The United States is in Iraq, and in the way of China's 200,000,000 man army.
At some point we either betray Israel, or we get out of Iraq.
Yesterday, Pakistan moved it's forces to it's border with India.
This border will also have to be opened for China's Army to come through.
Today Israel attacked the Gaza, killing upwards 200 and futher inflaming the Muslims.
Hal Lindsey - America's Decline...and Fall? (1)
Hal Lindsey - America's Decline...and Fall? (2)
Hal Lindsey - America's Decline...and Fall? (3)
Hal Lindsey - America's Decline...and Fall? (4)
Hal Lindsey - America's Decline...and Fall? (5)
Hal Lindsey - America's Decline...and Fall? (6)
World War 3 WARNING!!
Jack Van Impe - The Rapture Is Coming
The Rapture - You NEED To See This
The Inca Calender Ends On Dec 25, 2012
Dr. Jack Van Impe: Part 1 The return of Christ is very close
Dr. Jack Van Impe: Part 2 The return of Christ is very close
Hal Lindsey - The Return of Christ (Part 1)
Hal Lindsey - The Return of Christ (Part 2)
Hal Lindsey - The Return of Christ (Part 3)

People - Who Matters?

There comes a point in your life when you realize:
who matters,
who never did,
who won't anymore...
and who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!